This is my very first blog entry on my brand new website, and to be honest, I have no idea what to post.

I thought about writing something insightful on the fear and loathing of social media to the writer, but…well… I’m too afraid to broach that subject. (However, Amy Denim does a marvelous job on all of this in her Coffee Break Guides, so go check those out if you need help.)

Instead, I thought my first post should be all about letting you know how thrilled I am to be here at this moment. If you had told me ten years ago that I would be a published author in 2015, I probably would have smiled. And then I would have tried to have you committed. It isn’t that I wouldn’t have believed you, it’s just that I was so buried in the world of Information Technology at the time, that I didn’t know I even had a right-brain, let alone the last time I had used it.

BookFuel, the company I’ve been working with to get my book, Christmas Spirit, published, has just finished the editing phase, and is formatting it for print and e-book distribution, even as I write this. I’m planning a book launch event (I’ll keep you posted on this – everyone is invited!), and scheduling book club and book signing events, and even working on the possibility of selling the screenplay (which I actually wrote before the book) down the road.

It is all very amazing to me, how completely different a person’s life can become in such a short amount of time. And I’m having a blast!

I hope you will join me on this journey by leaving me comments, asking me questions, or suggesting topics you would like to know about.

This should be fun…